Categories: Journal352 words1.3 min read

The Power Of Mystery & Sexuality


August 5, 2021


Why is it so powerful to choose to journey into the great mystery of your sexuality right now, at this time?

Particularly with the pandemic, but in fact as an ongoing aspect of living, we are thrust into the unknown. However much we believe we know, there is always more that is unknown to us, both on an individual level and also collectively as a species. One glance into the night’s sky often serves to remind me of how much more (unfathomably more) than our beautiful planet Earth is out there!

So what can choosing to engage with mystery bring you?

Making a choice to meet mystery is a beautiful act of human courage. It builds our resource of courageousness in action which in turn builds resilience. We gain more leverage in being able to receive from mystery and absorb its gifts. We become more established in the sensitivity and malleability needed to navigate the unknown both when choosing to meet it and when it comes upon us by surprise!

So what is so significant about our sexuality and where is the mystery in that?

Our sexuality is an incredible force for creativity. Creativity arises when we are willing to meet the unique calling of the moment, without an agenda from what has been, but with a commitment and devotion to experiencing the freshness of the moment and to responding to that. When we get creative with the immense, untold potential of the moment and are fuelled by the big life engine that is our sexuality, our capacity to make the changes we long for gets really turned on and we take the form of our freedom and power! 

In this Tantric Soul Retrieval week in the heart of France starting on 22nd August 2021 Tanya and I will guide you in just that, embodying and taking the form of your freedom and power!

If you feel the calling to receive yourself as more than you could ever imagine then join us! There’s just 2.5 weeks to go!

Full details & sign up here:

Image from NASA.

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