Categories: Journal322 words1.2 min read

Stepping into beauty flow…..


October 28, 2023


Stepping into beauty flow…..

Reclaiming the way of beauty,

Not prettiness,

Brings us to meet depth and beauty as one.

Releasing shallowness and distortion of beauty, 

The beauty way is the deep experience of flowing in the wild intoxication of aliveness.

It asks us also to reclaim intoxication.

Conscious intoxication with beauty is not an escape from life, but a courageous stepping into the fierce realness of life.

To look upon life through the eye of the soul,

To allow life deep inside ourselves. 

It requires us to melt the human made divide between s∈x and spirit.

The field of sacred s∈xuality is being inundated with shallowness in the name of professionalism, sales, strong branding etc. 

This suffocates the feminine and is just another thinly veiled version of toxic masculinity where respect is given only to status.  

The multi-directionality of the feminine herein gets twisted, distorted into using shallowness, the superficial, glamour, etc, to fulfil unowned agendas, in desperation for a place in life.

The feminine is not a pretty mask we put on to lure in what we fear is absent in our lives.

How are you subscribed to shallowness?

How do you use shallowness to meet hidden fear agendas to fit in?

Are you ready to reclaim the beauty way of the healthy feminine? 

Are you ready to exalt felt experience and mystery as the very essence of life?

Felt experience cannot be prescribed. 

It has a life of its own. 

The beauty way is a giving way to life, 

To ignite and unite with life’s profound intelligence.

Lost and found in each moment,

Over and over, 

Spiralling in the beauty of what is emanating, 

And dancing as its beloved.

This is the calling of the ‘Healthy Feminine In Male Identified Bodies – Soul Activation Program’!

If you’re ready to drop into the depths of the beauty way, join me in November!

Tickets & Full Info!

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