Categories: Journal303 words1.2 min read

How Do I Step Into Transformational Sexuality?


April 22, 2022


In mainstream culture, our everyday exposure and experiential reference to the field of transformational sexuality is often minimal if not non-existent.

And so how do we step into an experience of transformational sexuality or an event that explores it?

I’m in admiration for the folks that attend my transformational sexuality weekends for the first time, not knowing what they’re entering into but courageously following the call of something deeper.

Transformational sexuality is an experiential field. We can’t know it until we’ve been vibrating within its frequency (and then we’ll often realise that there is soooo much more there than we could ever know! ;)

It’s this call for experiencing something deeper in our sexuality that is the doorway through which we can step into an experience of transformational sexuality. The felt sense that what you’ve been told and taught about your sexuality is just a drop in the ocean, and that actually you’d like to experience the force of the ocean that is your awakened sexuality!

So when you feel this calling, this rumbling inside of you to taste the richness of experience of meeting the transformational power of your sexuality. Whether it’s initiated through seeing an advert for a workshop, reading an article, hearing the experience of a friend, or some other entry point, I invite you to give it space, feel it, and listen for its voice and wisdom. Your sexual vibrancy and fulfilment are needed in the world! Your empowered sexuality is the very force that makes life fertile, abundant, and regenerative!

And so if you’re wanting guidance and support in this, reach out to me. Ask me about my workshop offerings you’ve seen buzzing around social media, or my session offerings for singles and couples. Holding, guiding and offering experiences in the transformational nature of your sexuality is my calling. ;)

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