Deep self respect.
A great bow from my soul to my human self.
For so long, I have believed it possible for you to live this.
Every step of the way,
Through all your human heartbreak,
I have watched you nearing this moment.
And as you breathe this deep respect for your human self, I, your soul, am in full hearted, ecstatic celebration of you.
In all your glorious human-ness.
Desperate and hopeful.
Faithful and lost.
You have arrived.
To light the beacon of your heart.
And truly honour the skin & bone, flesh & blood journey you have walked.
You have returned to the great love that I, your soul, have for you.
And with this return to loving yourself in this way,
Your human self is bathed in the remembrance of love being greater than any pain known or unknown.
Thank you for making the journey.
It is my great privilege to embrace you here, on your arrival.
My arms have ever been open to you.
And for you to now rest in their holding,
Is the treasure I have dreamt of.
For you.
For me, your soul.
And for the great ever emerging spirit of love in this world.
What a gift it is to behold you as you live your magic, your love.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.