Categories: Journal272 words1 min read

Finding My Feet Again


August 17, 2022


My feet land on the ground very differently now.

After two recent love relationship break ups my life’s foundation has been rocked.

What was steady ground has become gaping tears in the earth around my feet.

Of my two ex-beloveds, men who I felt would always be part of my life, one is no longer a part.

Sometimes I lose my legs in my longing for the summer green fields of my lost love relationships. 

The ground I stand upon has shifted unrecognisably. 

But my feet, my beloved feet that I stand upon, they are the very same feet. 

I love these faithful feet. Unsure of what it is to stand again, these feet continue to feel what lies beneath them. Without a clear direction, they continue to meet the new ground on which I stand. 

My feet offer me a platform of hope. Hope that this new ground is a new starting point. A new doorway to greater opening.

My feet stand in the truth of the ground of my being. 

And in this place there is a knowing that the paths I have walked in love relationship with these two beautiful men have ended here. Here on this sacred ground of cremation. 

And in the embers of these fires that have consumed my two recently lost love relationships, there is the glistening of what is to come. And my feet stand upon these sparks of life yet to unfold.

My feet are the feelers of all that is emerging before me. And although it is just a flickering of light in the dark, the promise of illumination is great. 

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