Categories: Journal323 words1.2 min read

Great Maiden Lady of Imbolc show me your ways!


February 2, 2020


Hearty Imbolc Blessings to one and all!

Great Maiden Lady of Imbolc show me your ways!

You who are reborn from the depths of winter,
You who are the first sparks of new life in a barren land,
You who dare to be restored knowing all that the journey may hold,
Love and triumph, sorrow and heartbreak, life and opening, death and decay.

Your wisdom ways are bold, Great Goddess of youth, risk, and embarkment!
Pierce me with your calling!
Let me take flight on your knowing within your infinite not knowing,
You who undertake the journey with one eye open and one eye closed,
May I trust in your wings as we fly into the fiery sun!

Ever finding, ever losing, ever gifting, ever gaining, ever relinquishing,
You are the great coming of it all!
And you come to me in this moment,
As you do in each breathing moment,
Summoning my daring,
Rousing me to extend and probe,
And reach towards life yet again!

And I who am awash with trepidation,
Caged in my wounding,
Foggy in remembering all the flavours of life into which you lead me,
Rigid with doubt,
I look to myself,
Contemplating my doneness,
Am I done?
Is this it for me?
Yet again you ask me,
Your great magnetism pulling me to my root,
My most base, primal yearning,
My hunger for life,
And you bring your wetness there!
And there I flower,
There I flourish with your awakening,
My withered ways of wounding conjured into your great pull of life,
I become your beacon,
Radiant in the dark,
Sure and thirsty for the more to come!

Oh Great Maiden Lady Of Imbolc,
You so readily fuck me open to the irresistible zest of life!
I am weak at my knees,
Ripe in my heart,
And ever cascading into your deliciousness!
I am yours,
I shine with you,
And with you I am inextinguishable!

Sadhu Valakhilyas

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