I enjoy working with a diverse selection of people of all gender identities and sexual preferences. Whether you identify as woman, man, trans or other, I am keen to talk to you about how these sessions can serve you. Please contact me with your questions about the sessions I offer.

These sessions are especially useful if you have a particular issue you’d like to address and/or if you are feeling stuck in patterns of behaviour that no longer serve you.

Sexuality & Soul Bodywork

Relish your body, your power, and your sexuality! Feel deeply at home in your body.

These sessions support you to deepen your relationship with your power, your connection with your own body and sexuality, and to more consciously relate with others, particularly in love & sexual relationships.

You will receive guidance in more fully embodying your desires and opening to greater sensual and sexual energy flow within your own body.

The sessions I offer are recipient led. I hold a safer space in which we together follow the trail of what arises within you and what you feel during the session. Essential to the session is your staying in your choice of where the session moves. I support you to get clear about what you want and what you are choosing.

I guide you to select the transformational techniques that resonate with your intention for the session, from a menu of options that I present.
Sessions can include various forms of erotic bodywork including genital/anal/body dearmouring, genital/anal/body mapping, and ecstatic release focused bodywork. Sessions may also include conscious relating exercises, breathwork, emotional release & expression practices, process work, empowerment ritual, and shadow hunting.


Transform your relationship with your body and feel your sexual freedom.

*Transformational self-pleasuring guidance and coaching.
*Whole body pleasure and orgasm.
*Relationship coaching for singles, couples and other relationship constellations.
*Exploring your sexual identity.
*Evolving out of sexual shame.
*Reclaiming your erotic power.
*Navigating genital issues.
*Exploring your anus.
*Discovering and enjoying your desires, turn-ons, and fantasies.
*Embracing & celebrating your sexual preferences.
*Healing your mother/father wounding.
*Healing your ancestral wounding.

*Developing ejaculatory choice and control.
*Exploring your anus and prostate.
*Navigating erection issues.
*Healing your boyhood wounding.
*Embracing being a man.
*Celebrating the penetrating power of your penis.
*Releasing internalized homophobia.
*Fully welcoming yourself in life as a man who has sex with men.
*Embracing & celebrating your sexual preferences.


Sexuality & Soul Bodywork

Relish your body, your power, and your sexuality! Feel deeply at home in your body.

These sessions support you to deepen your relationship with your power, your connection with your own body and sexuality, and to more consciously relate with others, particularly in love & sexual relationships.

You will receive guidance in more fully embodying your desires and opening to greater sensual and sexual energy flow within your own body.

The sessions I offer are recipient led. I hold a safer space in which we together follow the trail of what arises within you and what you feel during the session. Essential to the session is your staying in your choice of where the session moves. I support you to get clear about what you want and what you are choosing.

I guide you to select the transformational techniques that resonate with your intention for the session, from a menu of options that I present.
Sessions can include various forms of erotic bodywork including genital/anal/body dearmouring, genital/anal/body mapping, and ecstatic release focused bodywork. Sessions may also include conscious relating exercises, breathwork, emotional release & expression practices, process work, empowerment ritual, and shadow hunting.

Transform your relationship with your body and feel your sexual freedom.

*Transformational self-pleasuring guidance and coaching.
*Whole body pleasure and orgasm.
*Relationship coaching for singles, couples and other relationship constellations.
*Exploring your sexual identity.
*Evolving out of sexual shame.
*Reclaiming your erotic power.
*Navigating genital issues.
*Exploring your anus.
*Discovering and enjoying your desires, turn-ons, and fantasies.
*Embracing & celebrating your sexual preferences.
*Healing your mother/father wounding.
*Healing your ancestral wounding.

*Developing ejaculatory choice and control.
*Exploring your anus and prostate.
*Navigating erection issues.
*Healing your boyhood wounding.
*Embracing being a man.
*Celebrating the penetrating power of your penis.
*Releasing internalized homophobia.
*Fully welcoming yourself in life as a man who has sex with men.
*Embracing & celebrating your sexual preferences.


Shadow Hunting Sessions

Reconnect with your power to create change in your life and choose where you invest your energy.

In these sessions I journey alongside you in tracking the places within yourself that shut you down, keep you small and prevent you from living the life you would choose to, when connected to your freedom and power. I reflect back to you the stories you tell yourself that keep you stuck in self limiting ways of thinking and unwanted patterns of behaviour.

I support you to love and affirm yourself, and your capacity to create the changes you want to make in your life, as I guide you in meeting your fears and wounded places. I help you to see the ways in which you push away your fears and woundings, and how your trying to get away from them drives many of the ways you live your life.

In these sessions you are encouraged to deeply connect with, and embody your desires, through working to release the hold of your conditioning and the belief systems that obstruct you in living as you truly desire. Shadow Hunting involves deep self observation and listening, discussion, naming & owning of your core issues, and empowerment coaching. These sessions can also include breathwork, emotional expression & release techniques, conscious relating exercises, and meditation practices.

Learn to wholeheartedly to embrace and hold yourself, and allow your deep feelings to move within your body to liberate your stuck places.

Shadow Hunting Sessions

Reconnect with your power to create change in your life and choose where you invest your energy.

In these sessions I journey alongside you in tracking the places within yourself that shut you down, keep you small and prevent you from living the life you would choose to, when connected to your freedom and power. I reflect back to you the stories you tell yourself that keep you stuck in self limiting ways of thinking and unwanted patterns of behaviour.

I support you to love and affirm yourself, and your capacity to create the changes you want to make in your life, as I guide you in meeting your fears and wounded places. I help you to see the ways in which you push away your fears and woundings, and how your trying to get away from them drives many of the ways you live your life.

In these sessions you are encouraged to deeply connect with, and embody your desires, through working to release the hold of your conditioning and the belief systems that obstruct you in living as you truly desire. Shadow Hunting involves deep self observation and listening, discussion, naming & owning of your core issues, and empowerment coaching. These sessions can also include breathwork, emotional expression & release techniques, conscious relating exercises, and meditation practices.

Learn to wholeheartedly to embrace and hold yourself, and allow your deep feelings to move within your body to liberate your stuck places.



Sessions at my home practice

3 hour session . . . €270.00*
5x 2 hour session+ . . . €850.00
5x 3 hour session+ . . . €1200.00

Online video chat session

1 hour session . . . €95.00*
5x 1 hour session+ . . . €425.00

+All session series are nonrefundable

In-person couples sessions

2 hour session . . . €220.00**
5x 2 hour session+ . . . €999.00

More Information

Please note:
First-time in-person sessions are a minimum of 3hours.

My minimum in-person session time is 2hours.

*=Euros 40 for each additional 30mins thereafter.

**=Euros 45 for each additional 30mins thereafter.

Please note that couples are required to see me individually for at least one session (in-person or online) before beginning couples sessions.

Within your various love relationship constellations (as a couple, trio, or otherwise), I support you to together explore your desires for love, sex, and intimacy.
I guide you in your relationship in enhancing communication, deeper connection, and in navigating challenges.

I support you to relate to one another from a place of being rooted in your bodies, clear about your needs, and in ownership of all that you would project onto your beloved/s.

I guide you in deriving greater nourishment from your relationship and enjoying greater harmony within it.

5x session packs are valid for 4 months from the date of purchase.

It is possible to arrange sessions at your home, workplace or at a location organized by you. For sessions outside of my home practice space, I charge additional fees to cover travel time and costs.

If prices are beyond your current financial means it may be possible to negotiate a discounted fee, or as mentioned, combine skill trade with a monetary payment. Skill trade involves you offering a skill you have cultivated to a high level of proficiency as part payment for Sadhu’s transformational session skills. There are so many possibilities for skill trade from baking to offering a music lesson! Skill trade is agreed upon and organized before you receive your 1to1 session from Sadhu.

Please contact [email protected] to discuss these options.

Customized session packages are available on request.

These are built around working with the specifics of your particular ongoing issue. In addition to the session time we spend together, they involve a structured course of homework which you are required to commit to, as well as check in times between sessions via phone call or video chat.

Sessions cancelled 48hrs before the start time can be rescheduled at no extra cost or will receive a full refund (minus a 25% administration fee). Cancellations made less than 48hrs but more than 8hrs before the session start time will receive a refund of 50% of the session cost.

Cancellations made less than 8hrs before the session start time will be charged in full.

Late cancellation fees apply except in unavoidable circumstances, in which case I may, at my own discretion, reschedule the session at no extra charge or give a full refund (minus a 25% administration fee).

All session series are nonrefundable.

More Information

Please note:
First-time in-person sessions are a minimum of 3hours.

My minimum in-person session time is 2hours.

*=Euros 40 for each additional 30mins thereafter.

**=Euros 45 for each additional 30mins thereafter.

Please note that couples are required to see me individually for at least one session (in-person or online) before beginning couples sessions.

Within your various love relationship constellations (as a couple, trio, or otherwise), I support you to together explore your desires for love, sex, and intimacy.
I guide you in your relationship in enhancing communication, deeper connection, and in navigating challenges.

I support you to relate to one another from a place of being rooted in your bodies, clear about your needs, and in ownership of all that you would project onto your beloved/s.

I guide you in deriving greater nourishment from your relationship and enjoying greater harmony within it.

5x session packs are valid for 4 months from the date of purchase.

It is possible to arrange sessions at your home, workplace or at a location organized by you. For sessions outside of my home practice space, I charge additional fees to cover travel time and costs.

If prices are beyond your current financial means it may be possible to negotiate a discounted fee, or as mentioned, combine skill trade with a monetary payment. Skill trade involves you offering a skill you have cultivated to a high level of proficiency as part payment for Sadhu’s transformational session skills. There are so many possibilities for skill trade from baking to offering a music lesson! Skill trade is agreed upon and organized before you receive your 1to1 session from Sadhu.

Please contact [email protected] to discuss these options.

Customized session packages are available on request.

These are built around working with the specifics of your particular ongoing issue. In addition to the session time we spend together, they involve a structured course of homework which you are required to commit to, as well as check in times between sessions via phone call or video chat.

Sessions cancelled 48hrs before the start time can be rescheduled at no extra cost or will receive a full refund (minus a 10% administration fee). Cancellations made less than 48hrs but more than 8hrs before the session start time will receive a refund of 50% of the session cost.

Cancellations made less than 8hrs before the session start time will be charged in full.

Late cancellation fees apply except in unavoidable circumstances, in which case I may, at my own discretion, reschedule the session at no extra charge or give a full refund (minus a 25% administration fee).

All session series are nonrefundable.

Book session



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“In coaching sessions, I had with Sadhu, I was amazed how quickly we came to the core. Every time. He brought in so much clarity and it was like a sword cutting through all that is not serving truth, but also a lot of compassion and love. He creates a space that feels so safe, and yet he invites you to explore the edges and places that feel very impassible. Always, after a session, I saw the situation with totally different eyes, and I was able to move big steps forward.”

Brechtje Anna, Online Session Recipient

“Working with Sadhu was a true delight. His persistence & strength combined with the softness and heartfelt support is one I rarely come across. He is sharp and straight forward, something I really appreciate in working with somebody. I am not an easy client to coach, since I am a coach myself. It can be difficult to work with me because I can feel attacked pretty fast. Sadhu made me feel safe and seen. He also was strict with his own boundaries – which gave me an amazing imprint. It is safe to honor your boundaries. And besides that… He shows you how it is safe to be vulnerable. To let down the walls of your heart. To truly let people in & forgive them, while taking care of yourself. I am truly grateful for the coaching I have received & I would highly recommend working with him”.

Tamar, Online Session Recipient

I have been working with Sadhu weekly now for over a month and now plan to involve my partner in couples sessions. I had a desire to take charge of my relationship with sex and experience it as something beautiful instead of something that I felt powerless over. Sadhu has been gentle yet powerful, still yet vastly insightful. A deep healing is taking place. His website name is perfect. I’m feeling such empowerment over my body and Eros and have been reminded that my body is to be celebrated and enjoyed. Words cannot express how grateful I am to Sadhu and the work that he does. He really knows his stuff. Each conversation feels like a revolutionary act toward freedom”.

Miqueas A., Online Session Recipient
“Working with Sadhu has helped me step into a greater agency and step out of patterns in sex and relationships that were holding me back. Our work enabled me to meet my inner child where he needed love the most, and tap into a new depth of self-love and freedom”.
Jason G'Sell, In-person session recipient